ارشيف الاخبار

نادي السد الرياضي

-Sadd celebrates the footballing hopes of tomorrow

-Sadd celebrates the footballing hopes of tomorrow
05 Sep 2015
Al-Sadd Club held a ceremony on Saturday night, the fifth of September, to honour the junior talents of the “buds” category (born in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008) who participated in the sports festivals during the past season.
The ceremony was held in the presence of Mr. Mohamed Ghanem al-Ali, Board Member and Head of Football; Mr. Turki Nasser Al Ali, Executive Director of Al Sadd; Ahmed Youssef, technical director of the club and all the players of the “buds” category, technical and administrative officials, parents, many fans and members of the Wolf Family.
Mr. Khalid Qamash, head of the buds category, welcomed and thanked all those present – parents, administrative and technical officials and the players for the effort that has gone through this past season, and urged them to deliver the best in the new season.

And the parents of the players expressed their deep satisfaction with the honour given to their children, which motivates them to represent the national team and the Al Sadd first team in the future.
Qamash praised the efforts of the club management and its commitment to the development of the club in all the age categories and the continuous progress; this was marked last year by the results we have achieved across all categories.
At the end of the ceremony, souvenir pictures were taken amid great happiness of all, in addition to the dinner which followed, in the presence of all the officials.